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Amended July 14, 2019


The name of this organization shall be:  “DESERT AQUARIST SOCIETY.”


This organization shall be non-profit and educationally oriented.  The purpose shall be to promote the hobby of keeping fish, plants, and other forms of aquatic life.  This organization shall encourage its membership to propagate and display these aquatic forms.


  • Any individual interested in the aquarium hobby or any of its phases may become a member of this organization by paying the appropriate dues.

  • Benefits of full membership shall include the privilege of voting upon matters brought before the general assembly, participation in the discussion of matters brought before the Board of Directors, the receiving of a regularly published Newsletter, reduced rates for special programs and field trips when possible, eligibility for competition in the club shows, and participation in the other club sponsored activities.

  • Adult membership is open to persons 18 years or older and entitles them to all rights and privileges of full membership.

  • Junior membership is open to persons 6 through 17 years of age and entitles them to all the rights and privileges of full membership.

  • Affiliate membership is open to commercial interests (retailers and wholesalers of aquarium associated products) in the hobby and only entitles the concern to display the official emblem of this organization, signifying that they are members in good standing and that they support the activities of this organization and the ideas set forth in the constitution.  An affiliate membership must be approved by the Board of Directors.  


Dues shall be collected from all members at the beginning of every calendar year.  If members have not paid their dues prior to publication of the February Newsletter, they will be dropped from the membership roll.  For new members joining after the January meeting, the dues shall be prorated.  Proration applies only to those individuals that have not been members during the prior calendar year.


  •  A business meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held once a month.  A special meeting may be called by any member of the Board.  Any club member may attend these meetings but only Board Members may vote.  No business may be conducted unless a quorum of the Board members is present.

  • The regular meeting of the general membership shall be held at least once a month.  No business shall be conducted unless one-quarter (1/4) of the voting members is present.


  • The members of the Board of Directors shall include the following persons:  President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Editor, Show Chairman, two Board Members-At-Large, and President Emeritus.

  • The Board of Directors shall have the power to remove from office any Board Member who demonstrates unsuitability to hold the position on the grounds of:

    • Inability to properly perform the duties of the position.

    • Recurrent absenteeism at meetings of the Board of Directors or general assembly, specifically any two consecutive meetings or at three meetings during on year’s term of office, unless appropriate arrangements have been made ahead of time.

    • Conduct unbecoming of Board Members.

Removal may be accomplished with a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Board of Directors.

  • Duties:

    • President: The President shall be an adult member of the club.  The President shall preside over all meetings of the general assembly and the Board of Directors; have the power to appoint all non-elected committee chairpersons and, with the approval of the Board of Directors, any prematurely vacated positions on the Board of Directors; be ex-officio member of all committees except the nominating committee; and be responsible for the organization fulfilling its purpose as outlined in this constitution.  The President shall not vote on issues except to break tie votes.

    • Vice-PresidentThe Vice-President shall be an adult member of the club.  The Vice-President shall perform all the duties of the President in the President’s absence and shall be Publicity Chairman, and shall have the responsibility of appropriately advertising all club meetings and activities.  The Vice-President shall also be responsible for soliciting commercial advertising for any club publication or other club activities and may appoint a staff to help in these activities.  Funds for these activities shall be approved by the Board of Directors.  The Vice-President shall have full voting privileges.

    • SecretaryThe Secretary shall be an adult member of the club.  The Secretary shall keep accurate minutes of all meetings of the general assembly and the Board of Directors.  The Secretary shall have full voting privileges.

    • TreasurerThe Treasurer shall be an adult member of the club.  The Treasurer shall keep an accurate statement of accounts.  The Treasurer shall have the authority to sign checks and the responsibility to see that all bills are paid promptly.  The books of the Treasurer shall be audited as often as the Board of Directors sees fit.  The Treasurer shall have full voting privileges.

    • Editor: The Editor shall be an adult member of the club.  The Editor shall have the ability to use wordprocessing.  The Editor shall have the responsibility for compiling, reproducing, and distributing copies of the club Newsletter and may appoint a staff to assist whenever necessary.  The Editor shall have full voting privileges. 

    • Show Chairman: The Show Chairman shall be an adult member of the club.  The Show Chairman shall be responsible for setting up the club shows, the interpretation and formulation of the club show rules, choosing the judges, and obtaining awards for such shows.  The Show Chairman shall appoint a staff to assist whenever necessary.  The Show Chairman shall have full voting privileges.

    • Board Members-at-LargeThe Board Members-at-Large shall be adult members of the club.  They shall act in an advisory capacity to the officers and shall have full voting privileges.  The President shall appoint at least one Board Member-at-Large to coordinate special interest group activities.  This member shall attempt to become aware of special interest within the club and help these individuals to get together independently of general meetings and to represent them at the board meetings.

    • President Emeritus: Should the President not be elected to the position on the Board of Directors following the term of office, the former President shall occupy the position of President Emeritus, having responsibilities identical to those of Members-at-Large.

  • Elections

    • A nominating committee, consisting of three persons selected from the general membership by the President, shall select a slate of nominees to be presented to the general assembly one month prior to elections.

    • Elections shall be held at the regularly scheduled general meeting during the month of October.  Nominations from the floor will be added to the slate of nominee recommended by the nominating committee.  A simple majority of the votes is required to obtain office.  The Board Members shall assume their duties at the beginning of the January General Meeting.


  • The Hospitality and Membership committee shall be chaired and selected by the Vice-President.  It shall be the responsibility of this committee to greet members, their guests, and newcomers and make them feel at ease.  This committee shall consider securing additional members as its primary concern.

  • The Program Committee is the Board of Directors with the President as Chairman.  It shall be the responsibility of this committee to secure programs for the general meetings.

  • The Show Committee shall be headed by the Show Chairman.  The responsibilities of this committee are outlined under the duties of the Show Chairman.

  • The Publicity Committee shall be headed by the Vice-President.  The responsibilities of this committee are outlined under the duties of the Vice-President.

  • The Refreshment Committee shall be chaired and selected by the President.  This committee shall be responsible for the purchasing, preparing, and serving of refreshments at each general meeting.


This Constitution and By-Laws shall be reviewed and revised periodically by the Board of Directors, and any necessary changes in the form of amendments may be brought before the general assembly.  Any member may propose an amendment to this Constitution and By-Laws by submitting it in writing to the Board of Directors for consideration.  If approved it shall be submitted to the general membership at the next regularly scheduled meeting for ratification.  A two-thirds (2/3) majority vote shall ratify the amendment.


The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order, as currently revised, shall govern this organization where applicable and not in conflict with this document.

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